Sponsor Techinch.com
You’ve got a great new app or service, and you want to get the word out about it. We’ve got a community of readers who love discovering new apps that’d love to try out what you’ve made. It’s the perfect match.
With a Techinch sponsorship, you can reach Techinch’s growing audience of over 12,000 unique monthly visitors, 2700 social media fans and followers, and 670 RSS subscribers, and will earn you my eternal gratitude.
Techinch.com has two sponsorship opportunities: weekly sponsorships, and sponsored tutorials. A weekly sponsorship lets you share a picture or video along with 2-3 paragraphs of text about your app for $50/week. A sponsored tutorial gets you a full-length tutorial written in our standard Techinch style, focusing on a part of your app that you’d like and with a message at the top letting readers know the tutorial is sponsored, for $300/week. With both, the full article will be included in our RSS feed, and will be shared on all of Techinch and my personal social network accounts at least twice that week.
Fill out the form below to book a sponsorship, or if you’d like a sponsored tutorial or more info, send me an email. And thank you in advance for sponsoring Techinch.com!
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Last Updated April 29, 2014.
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