tech, simplified.

The best thing about Evernote is the Evernote Web Clipper. You select the parts of a page you want to save, or extract just a simplified copy of the text on the page, then add your own note and tags and save it to Evernote. Whenever you need to find something, you'll likely have it right there in your notes database instead of having to trek back to the site. It works great, and I've used it instead of traditional bookmarking for months now.

Only problem is, there's no Web Clipper for iOS. I've taken to leaving tabs open in Safari on my iPhone, then opening them on the Mac via iCloud Tabs and saving them to Evernote there. That's annoying at best, though, and I needed a better solution. Leave it to my friend Phillip Gruneich, who's made the x-callback-library and always comes up with clever iOS automation tricks, to hack together a bookmarklet to save sites to Evernote on iOS via Drafts. And it works great.

If you've ever wanted the Evernote web clipper for iOS, for now, this is your best solution. Enjoy!

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