tech, simplified.

Konvert and Kounter: Beautifully Simple Modern Number Apps

Several months ago, I stumbled upon a converter app that quickly became my favorite way to convert measurements and more: Konvert. It had a simple, flat UI that almost is more reminiscent of Windows 8's UI than of iOS 7, with the different conversions listed in tiles that flip to reveal the conversion screen when you tap them. It's simple, easy, and works great, and so even though it'd already been out for several months, it easily hit my list of favorite new iOS 7 apps when iOS 7 was released, since its UI fits in so well. And since then, the InnovationBox team has continued to improve it, adding currency conversion (including Thai Baht, yay!) and more that's kept it one of those essential little utility apps on my iPhone.

So when their team recently released the new Kounter, a simple counter app, I knew I had to try it. Kounter makes it as simple as possible to count anything — think of those little push-button counters that security guards use to make sure everyone leaves the building, but redesigned with iOS 7's thin font design, and that's basically what it is. I was disappointed that you can't just tap the main circle to count, but instead have to tap the plus on the bottom, which makes it a tad less fool-proof for quick counting when you're not looking at your screen. But still, it's a nice new approach to a simple app concept.

Then, their team also has made Calcolor, a beautifully simple calculator app that matches your iPhone 5c or 5s color and case accent color — and happens to look great on any other phone, even if it doesn't look quite as cool. And, the demo sites for each of their apps are equally fun — they show off a full demo of the app in action, in a way that makes sense on the web.

If you need simple number apps for your iPhone, go try these out. I can't wait to see what their team puts out next!

Thoughts? @reply me on Twitter.